Near Me

Following the fall of the online directory, Near Me has decided to become a powerhouse to help small and medium sized businesses expand their local reach through a combination of SEO website support, extensive research, hard work and dedication. 

With directories like providing poor service, and outright lying to their customers, we decided to come up with a slightly different strategy in offering our services for free, relying instead on income from advertising through Near Me.

We provide write-ups on businesses, reviews and more. We will also host micro-sites for small businesses, though to keep our site funded, these will occasionally contain adverts adhering to Google’s Advertising Policies.

For paid advertising services, you can contact OSA Digital, one of the companies we work for. OSA Digital provides an excellent service to clients – with a keen focus on restaurant marketing through their system, Grow Your Restaurant developed with assistance from an award winning restaurant marketer.

Near Me Logo


Provide us with Articles

At Near Me, we love articles made by other people. If you want to talk about your business, we’d love to share your business experiences with others. We have a website, The Social and Economic Times which we can also publish your articles that aren’t business related to!

We are strictly looking for articles about business on this site, so anything about running business, your personal experiences as a business owner, your work in your industry is welcome!

We also have a number of other websites that we canpost your articles on, should you provide information on in a specialist field.

We will make sure that your posts go up somewhere that your backlink will be valuable to your business, to ensure that you always benefit the most from our support network.

Business Advice

We have a section of our blog dedicated to providing business articles that can help people succeed when it comes to operating online. We work hard to ensure all our advice is up to date and useful for businesses of every size.

  • Online Business Advice
  • Tricks and Tips for Social Media and Blogging
  • Advertising Advice

Ultimately, as with everything, if you work hard to get your business out there and you focus on providing good content, you will be successful, and that’s the main thing we want for you. 



Small Business Guide to Winning Online

Hello! If you're reading this, its most likely because like me, you're a small business owner and you want to appear in more search results online, smash it with social media and succeed! Rather than pad this out with endless text on the subject I'm going to keep it...